What’s in a Name?

Becoming Petra Media Group

In July of 2023,with much prayer and consultation, the leaders of the ministry were led to Matthew 16:18, where Christ proclaims, “on this rock (Greek: petra) I will build my church”. In recognition that it is our Lord Jesus Christ who builds the ministry and that it belongs to him and his Church as a whole in its expression in the country of Turkiye, the leaders of the ministry chose the name Petra.

Petra Media Group


To proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in Turkiye and to the neighboring countries and to contribute to the development of believers in Christ, using various types of media.

 Core Values:

1.        To treat each other as family.

2.        To have a humble and servant’s attitude

3.        To be hardworking and creative to produce quality content.

4.        To prioritize the well-being and peace of mind of team members when making decisions.

5.        To be open to development and criticism.

6.        To reinforce the trust of the other person by being loyal and honest people.

Petra Media Group manages five FM radio stations in Antalya, Samsun, Mardin/Midyat, Antakya (Hatay), and Northern Cyprus and continues with its online media outreach.

We will continue to update this site with the prayer requests, projects, and opportunities to join Petra Media Group in reaching the Turkish-speaking world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.